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Idyllic romantic retreat, perfect for two looking for a hideaway on the Isle of Wight, close to Ryde and benefitting from access to the owner’s outdoor heated swimming pool (available seasonally in certain summer months only).
Pretty thatched country cottage with ample character and own garden where you can soak up the naturally beautiful surroundings and listen to birdsong, a delightful rural retreat.
Very lovely 2 bedroom thatched country cottage with private garden close to the heart of the Isle of Wight with the coast within easy reach for days out.
Self-catering country cottages, apartments, houses, lodges, and other type of accommodation for holidays in Whippingham, Isle of Wight. Whuppingham lies south of East Cowes, not far from the river and would suit people who sail or anyone who likes to stay near water.
The Isle of Wight becomes a pleasure island during the kinder months of the year when thousands of tourists arrive by ferry to enjoy its coastal resorts, sailing and watersports, lovely countryside and cycle paths. It is one of the best destinations in England for an activity-filled family summer holiday. Please click on any photographs or tabs on the map displayed for details of each cottage or log cabin or use the Feature Pages menu to find additional holiday cottages and self-catering accommodation on the Isle of Wight.