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This delightful self-catering coastal cottage is set in an idyllic location at the foot of St Catherine's Down on the Isle of Wight.
Self-catering holiday cottages, apartments, houses, lodges, and other accommodation for holidays in Brighstone, Isle of Wight. The hamlet of Brighstone is in the quieter west of the island on the B3399 which is little more than a country road. Brighstone Forest, the largest on the Isle of Wight, lies to the north where there are plenty of walks and bridleways. There is a shop combined with a museum and the Three Bishops Family Pub for meals out and live music - always welcome, even when self-catering.
Please click on any cottages displayed within 5 miles of Brightstone for detailed information about the self-catering facilities or use the Feature Pages to find additional holiday cottage accommodation on the Isle of Wight.