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Very lovely 2 bedroom thatched country cottage with private garden close to the heart of the Isle of Wight with the coast within easy reach for days out.
Pretty thatched country cottage with ample character and own garden where you can soak up the naturally beautiful surroundings and listen to birdsong, a delightful rural retreat.
This delightful self-catering coastal cottage is set in an idyllic location at the foot of St Catherine's Down on the Isle of Wight.
Kingston is a rural area not far from Shorwell and Billingham in the south west of the Isle of Wight. This is the quieter side of the island with good country walks and minutes from the west coast. Everywhere on the island is very quickly accessible by car. The main town, Newport, with multiplex cinema and supermarkets is about 15 minutes drive away via Shorwell. There are several villages near by where it is possible to obtain pub meals. Blackgang Chine Park is a ten minute drive south and is highly recommended as an entertaining and good value place to visit.
Rent a country cottage near Kingston for a tranquil rural break, perhaps on a farm. Children will enjoy going for walks to visit the cows, sheep and horses. Pheasants are seen on a daily basis and there are plenty of birds to spot.
Self-catering country cottages, apartments, farmhouses, lodges, and other accommodation for holidays in Kingston, Isle of Wight is shown below. Please click on any photographs displayed for details or use the Feature Pages menu to find additional holiday cottages and self-catering accommodation on the Isle of Wight.