Self-catering cottages and holiday accommodation in the Lake District, Cumbria

Stay in the heart of the Lake District in a self catering holiday cottage, apartment or log cabin and discover the beauty of this scenic area in Cumbria in the north west of England.

Cumbria and the Lakes for an unforgettable self-catering cottage holidayCarved by the last great Ice Age, the serene lakes of Cumbria lie cradled by the brooding hills.  The scenery is breathtaking - landscapes where you can only stand and stare surround you on all sides.  Broad fells dotted with sheep, wild ponies on the moors, a profusion of wild flowers and complete peace. A place that refreshes both physically and spiritually.

Our English poets drew inspiration from this land.  William Wordsworth began Britain's love affair with the Lake District in the 19th Century, and it has passed down the generations.  Countless visitors still follow in his footsteps, to view the drifts of wild daffodils and shining waters. Wordsworth described poetry as 'the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings arising from emotion recollected in tranquillity'.  After your visit to the Lake District you will  understand. 

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