Venues for Wedding Receptions
This page is for owners of establishments that cater for weddings
Listing your property
Please visit our Advertising section to find out how to advertise your large house for weddings
All venues will be listed by area.
More detailed Listing
All above details plus any info about special facilities or services in up to 3 different feature pages.
To be included in separate pages according to facilities offered, for example:
grounds with option of a marquee
self-catering accommodation available
beautiful location for photographs
Own web page(s) on the Country Cottages Online Site
For an individual web page(s) with photographs, details of facilities and other services from £300 - one-off fee for development of page(s).
Future maintenance of pages, any amendments will be charged at an hourly rate.
Please call us on 01245 425718 to discuss the best possibilities for you.