Self-catering accommodation for Cheltenham Races
When looking for somewhere to stay for the Cheltenham Races you may want to find accommodation within Cheltenham itself or nearby this spa town. When visiting this part of the country for the races it is recommended that you also spend a bit of time in Cheltenham itself which is an attractive, bustling town. Browse for: |
20-25 minutes drive from Cheltenham in Pershore
Pretty thatched cottage with a double and twin bedroom - Tythe Barn |
Chipping Campden is around 27 miles from Cheltenham so around a 45 minute drive away. With 2 bedrooms, this cottage can accommodate up to 4 and is well placed for exploring the Cotswolds. Click on the photo for more information and photos of this cottage not too far from Cheltenham. |
Related horse racing and self-catering accommodation pages |
Find additional cottages and self-catering accommodation in Cheltenham using the menu on the left. |